Lara Wilson
Bachelor of Design (Hons)
Chromosomal Connection
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The concept for this fashion range is creating a scientific connection between textiles and the body, through the idea of magnifying the bodies cell make up. This idea is developed from the forms of DNA and chromosomes, along with the processes of cell division known as mitosis and meiosis.
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid is the hereditary in all living organisms and takes the form of a double helix. Chromosomes are thread like structures located inside the nucleus of cells and are made up of proteins and a single molecule of DNA. A cell is the smallest unit of life within all living organisms that can replicate independently. They are made up of protoplasm, proteins and nucleic acids that are enclosed within a membrane. Mitosis is the process where the nucleus and membrane of a cell divide and two daughter cells are created that are identical to their parent cell. Meiosis is a process only occurring in germ cells where the parent cell divides to produce two daughter cells containing half the genetic material to the parent cell.
The dominant colours used within these designs are natural skin tones accompanied by shades of red and pink which all reflect the colours of the body and uids within the body. The designs are printed on calico, but the intended fabric is hemp, which is made from natural fibres and reflects the inspiration of the natural bodily functions. Hemp is also environmentally friendly, as it does not require pesticides or herbicides to grow. It also grows quickly and requires minimal processing. Hemp is suitable for this fashion range as it is a highly breathable, fast drying fabric that is hypoallergenic and non-irritating to skin.
The patterns incorporate various motifs as a representation of DNA, chromosomes and the processes of cell division. The unnatural inconsistency of hand dyeing and hand sewing emphasizes the increasing number of mutations that can occur within the body. The range is pitched towards young women between the ages of 16-30 who wish to express, create and tell the story of the bodies cell makeup through the form of textiles in fashion, without harshly effecting the environment or their bank account.